The xbox ritual

So first of all, you want to buy ALLLLLLL the xbox consoles. And theycan't be used, you have to buy them from microsoft. And if there's discount on any of them, wait with buying it untill it's back to it's normal price. Now, buy allll the addons and exclusive games. As the consoles, if they're not on discount, wait with buying them. Oh, and I'm totally not getting paid by microsoft! LOL! Nope! W-what's that, Bill. Yeah, I'm getting to that in a moment... Sorry guys, that was... O-One of my slaves. Yeah. That was it. Anyways, if you have any other consoles NOT from microsoft, sell them and donate them to microsoft. Playstation? More like.... Gaystation. Nintendo.... More like... Uhh... Pin-end-dough... Sega? Mega.. Idiot. Atari? Safari. Apple? Crapple. Uhmm... Any other consoles? Uhhh.. V-smile? More like pee mile. But uhh yeah same goes for PC's and Phones. Android? More like fanboy. Now, this may be expensive, but you will be given eternal life if you do it all. Anyways, after this you ask Bill Gates to... *Punch* Ow, Bill, what was that for? Uhhh I mean, you ask Billy to build your house. Btw, before youdo this, you sell your house and give him the money. Then he will probally say 'Dafuq? I can't build houses? How much will you pay me in money?' Then you put on the sunglasses you have for some reason with you even though it's winther and says 'All... The manay!'. Also sell all your furniture to him. And promise him that he can use your soul when you're dead. And he will give you... Drumroll please... Oh wait, I already said it before. Fuck. Oh yeah, and if you don't do this before tommorow midnight you might die... Maybe.